Come to think of it, I've never block Facebook while I was around right?
Just imagine what if I did.
Yeah Yeah, lots of protest
Everyone is so integrated into FB now, could still remember a few years back where I was with a few friends still trying to resist the migration to FB. Now we are on it like practically as much as we are awake. This era could almost be said to have been lived on FB. Given a few years back, people sure would have marked you as crazy for saying that.
Back to the story, recently I had just experienced such an ordeal. Well, being denied access to FB was not really considered one for me since I have pretty much been able to separate myself from the account most of the time. But it sure hit me with some revelation.
- I had been relying on FB to remember b'days and then come the sending a greeting part
- Lots of people actually appear on my wall and I actually scroll through just to get the latest scoops
- Sometimes I found more about what was happening around me than through reading my news feed
Besides that, the movie "Social Network" movie is coming up soon. Probably that might interest lots of people. Compared to the stories that talks about forefathers or how a nation was built, this movie is the equivalent the generation of the new.
Still on the point, the reason you here, probably came from a link somewhere. And where's that?
We all know that very well.
Before ending off, I can't help but place this up. And disclaimer first. I am guilty for taking this off a forum post. But I forgot who's the fella, but he is pretty humorous for coming up with this.